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Ohio Electrician Insurance

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Working as an electrician involves various hazards and liabilities, such as harming someone or damaging their property or equipment while performing your services. You also face the risk of injury, illness, or death from accidents on the job site. That's why you need electrician insurance.

Electrician insurance is a form of small business insurance that you can customize to meet the specific needs and risks of your electrician business. It can cover the cost of claims, damages, and lawsuits that may arise from your work as an electrical contractor.

We Are a Top-Rated Electrical Contractors’ Insurance Agency in Ohio

Bellwether Insurance is your trusted partner for electrical contractors' insurance in Ohio. We have the expertise and experience to provide you with tailored coverage for your electrician or electrical company. 

We know the specific risks and challenges that you face as an electrical contractor, such as property damage, bodily injury, cyberattacks, and workers' compensation claims. That's why we offer a variety of insurance solutions that can safeguard your business from unforeseen losses and liabilities. 

Whether you need a general liability policy, a business property policy, a cyber insurance policy, a workers' compensation policy, or a home-based business policy, we have you covered. We will work with you to understand your individual needs and budget, and we help you find the best insurance plan for your electrical contracting business. 

Contact us today for a free quote and see why we are a top-rated electrical contractors' insurance agency in Ohio.

Electrician Liability Insurance

Electrician liability insurance is a type of business insurance that protects electricians and electrical contractors from the risks they face in their trade. It can help cover the costs of lawsuits, medical bills, property damage, and lost income caused by accidents, errors, or injuries related to electrical work. Electrician liability insurance is also known as general liability insurance or commercial general liability (CGL) insurance.

In Ohio, electrician liability insurance is not required by law, but it may be required by some clients or contractors as a condition of doing business with them. Electrician liability insurance can also help electricians comply with the licensing requirements in Ohio, which vary depending on the type of electrical work and the location of the project.

Some of the benefits of electrician liability insurance in Ohio are:

  • It can protect electricians from claims of bodily injury or property damage caused by their work, such as a fire, a shock, or a damaged wall.
  • It can cover the legal fees and settlements associated with lawsuits from third parties, such as customers, suppliers, or bystanders.
  • It can reimburse electricians for the income they lose if they have to stop working due to covered property damage.
  • It can cover the cost of repairing or replacing the tools and equipment that electricians use for their work, such as power tools, meters, strippers, pliers, batteries, etc.
  • It can provide coverage for employees who get injured or sick on the job, as well as for discrimination claims from former employees.

Electrician liability insurance is a smart investment for any electrician or electrical contractor who wants to protect their business and reputation from potential losses. It can also help them gain more trust and credibility with their clients and partners.

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance will protect your electrical equipment, tools, inventory and office space from damage or theft. It can also help cover the cost of repairing or replacing your property if it is damaged by a covered peril, such as fire, storm, vandalism or theft.

If you are an electrician in Ohio, you may need commercial property insurance to meet the requirements of your clients, contractors or licensing board. Commercial property insurance can also help you avoid financial losses that could disrupt your business operations or affect your reputation.

Some of the property that commercial property insurance can cover for electricians in Ohio include:

  • Amp meters, screwdrivers, wire strippers, pliers, power tools and batteries that you use to perform electrical work. 
  • Computers, office furniture, business records and valuable papers that you use to run your business.
  • The building where you operate your business, whether you own or rent it. 
  • The inventory and supplies that you store or transport for your electrical projects. 

Commercial property insurance can also include business income insurance, which helps recover some of your lost income if you can’t operate your electrician business because of covered property damage.

Workers' Compensation Insurance

Electricians are exposed to various hazards in their work, such as electric shocks, burns, falls, cuts, and eye injuries. These hazards can result in serious injuries or illnesses that may require medical treatment and time off work. Workers' compensation insurance can help electricians and their employers cope with the financial and emotional impacts of these incidents.

The benefits that electricians can receive from workers' compensation insurance depend on the nature and severity of their injury or illness. Some of the benefits include:

  • Medical benefits: All reasonable and necessary medical care related to the work injury or illness, such as doctor visits, hospital stays, surgery, medication, physical therapy, and prosthetic devices.
  • Wage loss benefits: A percentage of the electrician's average weekly wage for the period that they are unable to work due to their injury or illness. 

In Ohio, workers' compensation insurance is administered by the Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC), which is the exclusive provider of this insurance for all employers in the state.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance can protect you and your business from costly lawsuits and penalties if you or your employees cause an accident while driving for work purposes. For example, if you are transporting tools and supplies to a job site and hit another car, your commercial auto policy can cover the damage to the other vehicle, the medical costs of the injured parties, and the legal fees if you are sued.

The minimum amount of auto liability insurance coverage required by Ohio law is $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident for bodily injury, and $25,000 for property damage. However, depending on the type and use of your work vehicles, you may need higher liability limits or additional coverages. For instance, if you own a heavy truck or a vehicle with a U.S. Department of Transportation of Ohio serial number, you may have to meet additional requirements.

Electricians’ Umbrella Insurance

Electrician’s umbrella insurance provides extra liability coverage beyond the limits of your primary policies. It can help protect you from large and potentially ruinous claims that exceed your general liability, commercial auto, workers' compensation, or other liability coverages. Umbrella insurance can also fill in some coverage gaps and extend your coverage territory.

Some general contractors or landlords may require you to have umbrella insurance before they hire you or let you work on their premises. 

The cost and coverage of umbrella insurance vary depending on the insurer, the amount of coverage you need, the type of business you have, and other factors. You can purchase umbrella insurance in million-dollar increments, usually up to $25 million. The average cost for contractors’ umbrella insurance is between $500 and $1,000 per $1 million of coverage per year.

Electricians Errors and Omissions Insurance

Electricians’ errors and omissions insurance (E&O) is a type of specialized liability insurance that covers losses not covered by traditional liability insurance. It protects electricians and their businesses from claims if a client sues for negligent acts, errors or omissions committed during electrical work that result in a financial loss.

Electricians E&O insurance can help cover the costs of defending against such claims, as well as paying for any settlements or judgments that may arise. Electricians E&O insurance can also cover the work "itself" after it is completed, which is not usually covered by general liability insurance.

Electricians Surety Bond

An electrician surety bond is a type of commercial bond that guarantees the compliance of electricians with the state and local laws and regulations. It also protects the customers and the public from any damages or losses caused by the electrician's negligence, fraud, or misconduct. In Ohio, electricians may need to obtain a surety bond to get licensed or registered in certain cities or counties. 

For example, the City of Aurora requires electricians to post a $25,000 bond before they can work within the city limits. The bond ensures that the electrician will perform their services according to the city's codes and standards. If the electrician violates the bond agreement, the obligee (the city or the customer) can file a claim against the bond and seek compensation from the surety (the bonding company). The surety will then investigate the claim and pay up to the full amount of the bond if the claim is valid. 

However, the electrician (the principal) is ultimately responsible for reimbursing the surety for any payments made on their behalf. The cost of an electrician surety bond in Ohio depends on several factors, such as the bond amount, the location, the electrician's credit score, and the surety's underwriting criteria. 

Typically, electricians can expect to pay a percentage of the bond amount as a premium, which can range from 1% to 15%. For example, a $25,000 bond with a 5% premium rate would cost $1,250 per year.

Compare Electrician Insurance Premiums in Ohio

Our website helps you find the best deals on electrician insurance in Ohio. Whether you need general liability, workers' compensation, or commercial auto insurance, we can help you compare quotes from different providers and save money on your coverage. 

Simply call us or enter your zip code and some basic information about your business, and we will show you the most affordable and reliable options for your electrician insurance needs.


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